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Win an annual subscription to 8fit

A free annual subscription to 8fit

4 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

J Stubbins, Huddersfield

A free annual subscription to 8fit

D Hale, Canterbury

A free annual subscription to 8fit

A Proctor, Bonnybridge

A free annual subscription to 8fit

M Beaumont, Chelmsford

A free annual subscription to 8fit

Win a subscription to try out 12 months of 8fit for free. 8fit is a health and fitness app offering efficient workouts, customized meal plans, and self-care guidance to users united by the desire to feel better inside and out. With this prize you’ll get access to 800+ healthy meals, 200+ quick and fun workouts, guided meditations, and more.

There are plenty of fitness brands and programs and apps–usually featuring lots of images of perfectly sculpted muscles–to get people really fired up about transforming their bodies. But the urge to transform overnight isn’t really that helpful in the long run. 8fit takes a more holistic approach. Their customers are not machines to be optimized–they’re human beings who are trying their best to feel better. And they're here to help them with workouts for all levels as well as meal planning, and tips & tricks about wellness. In the long run, so much of fitness is about balance.

Four lucky winners will get the chance to develop a year of healthy lifestyle habits with 8fit.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 11/08/2022.


A free annual subscription to 8fit x4