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Win Weight Loss Hypnosis Sessions with Adam Cox

Weight Loss Hypnosis Sessions with Celebrity Hypnotist Adam Cox

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

A Price, WIGAN

Weight Loss Hypnosis Sessions with Celebrity Hypnotist Adam Cox

January is the time of year when many people strive to lose weight and be slim in time for the summer. According to the NHS, 61% of the UK are classified as overweight and unfortunately, fad diets and exercise plans aren't working. Hypnotherapist to celebrities, CEO's and even royalty, Adam Cox, explains that most people already know how to lose weight - they just aren't doing it, because of their beliefs, habits, and addictions. As founder of Weight Loss Hypnotherapy clinic he has helped hundreds of people to lose weight by changing the way they think about food while increasing motivation and self-discipline. 

Adam has a free suitability test on his site that can help people find out if hypnosis can help them lose weight but for one lucky winner, they can win a 60-minute online weight loss hypnosis session with Adam. Since the sessions are online you can work with Adam wherever you are in the UK (or even the world). 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 08/02/2022.


Weight Loss Hypnosis Sessions with Celebrity Hypnotist Adam Cox x1