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Win a car rental period with Virtuo

Car Rental Period

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

S Fitzgerald, Chesham

Car Rental Period

Looking to travel to an amazing running trail outside of the city? Virtuo has got you covered. The innovative car rental company, is offering readers in Bristol, London, Manchester, Brighton and Edinburgh the chance to win a rental period worth £250! Founded in 2015, Virtuo is an on-demand and app-based service where customers can seamlessly book and unlock a range of cars with no queues, hassle, or paperwork. Virtuo has a fantastic fleet of vehicles, including Volkswagen, Mercedes, and Tesla, all of which readers can choose from. Users can have cars delivered to their door, unlock their vehicle, top up mileage and extend their rental, all through the award-winning app. Virtuo even uses machine learning and computer vision to allow users to submit damage reports using the camera on their phone.  Avoid the the U.K.’s current and unpredictable public transport system and enjoy the comfort of Virtuo instead!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 26/10/2022.


Car Rental Period x1