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A wellbeing bundle from GO2

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


A wellbeing bundle from GO2

Need more energy, better sleep, relief from anxiety or sharper concentration?  Then GO2 can help. 

These revolutionary essential oil inhaler sticks are 100% natural and use the power of aromatherapy to tap into our natural systems.  GO2 also offers hard-working hand gels that kill 99.999% of bacteria and are effective against viruses.

Helping people of all ages, the inhaler sticks offer support for all stages of life.  From athletes to professionals to busy mums and dads, there's a stick for everyone.

Lacking energy?  The GO2 ENERGY stick is the perfect choice to fight fatigue.  Uplifting Eucalyptus, which also promotes clear breathing, is blended with Peppermint to aid focus and Lemongrass to invigorate the senses.

Need to concentrate?  The GO2 FOCUS stick consists of a blend of Rosemary to support memory function, with Peppermint and Lime to lift the senses and improve focus.

Feeling stressed? The GO2 B.CALM stick promotes inner peace.  With a blend of Cardamom to give a feeling of calmness and warmth, Lavender to relax body and mind, Bergamot to enhance inner contentment and Sweet Orange to stimulate wellbeing.

Struggle sleeping?  The GO2 SLEEP stick can support sleep quality.  Blending soothing Lavender with Red Mandarin and relaxing Frankincense, this stick helps to promote a deeper, better sleep.

Offering a much-needed energy boost, stress support, better sleep, sharper focus and worry-free sanitised hands, this prize will lift your mood and keep your hands super clean through to the spring. 

The innovative GO2 range is now available in over 1000 independent pharmacies across the UK and on Amazon Prime for just £3.99 per stick. For more details on the range and the proven science behind the brand, head to their website where you can also buy the range.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 13/01/2021.


A wellbeing bundle from GO2 x1