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WIN a Gravity Fitness Calisthenics Portable Gym

Gravity Fitness Portable Pull up Rack

3 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


Gravity Fitness Portable Pull up Rack


Gravity Fitness Weighted Vest

A Humphreys, GAERWEN

Gravity Fitness Gymnastic Rings

Gravity Fitness are giving away a complete portable gym set up worth over £250!

Gravity Fitness is run by a team of fitness enthusiasts who train together when they can, and talk about it when they can’t. We are athletes, coaches, competitors, designers, and innovators driven by an unstoppable curiosity about the human body. 

Training should be about more than just fitness. It’s an outlet for growth, strength, and play - and a personal way to achieve greatness, every day. 

At Gravity Fitness we believe in unconventional styles of training and becoming a true master of your own bodyweight utilising calisthenics.

Thats why we are giving away a full portable gym set up worth over £250.

Our Portable Pull Up Rack can be folded down into the included bag in less than 2 minutes. 

The Gravity Pull Up Rack can be used to train nearly every muscle in the body but adding Gravity Fitness Rings unlocks even more exercises! 

Whilst we believe your body is all you need to be at peak fitness, adding a weighted vest gives you the opportunity to take you strength up to new levels!

This is why we have put these three awesome pieces of equipment together to give you a comprehensive full body portable gym set up!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 08/12/2021.


Gravity Fitness Portable Pull up Rack x1
Gravity Fitness Weighted Vest x1
Gravity Fitness Gymnastic Rings x1