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Win a Red Light Therapy Device Worth £479

Kineon MOVE + Pro

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





We are Kineon, and we make at-home laser therapy for lasting joint pain relief. Our science-backed innovative product, MOVE+ Pro, is a next-generation red light laser therapy device to help reduce pain in as little as 5 minutes per day. Trusted by top health experts and professional athletes, our premium product helps relieve joint pain, reduce inflammation, and stimulate the healing of damaged tissues. 

Our mission is to take users from pain to possible and help significantly reduce their pain journey through our proven red light therapy solution. Start your pain to possible journey by taking our quiz and joining the 2-Week Pain to Possible Challenge for expert advice, content, resources and workshops to help optimize your treatment results!

We have over 15,000 happy users, including world-renowned endurance runner, Nick Butter, who said: “The MOVE+ Pro gives me the freedom to train hard. And repair quicker. I’m able to see benefits during each run with the knowledge that my cells are repairing faster and more efficiently. Since using the Move + Pro, I’ve felt an improvement in my day-to-day mobility and pain. It’s the technology of the future.”

One lucky winner will receive a Kineon MOVE + Pro worth £479 

All Runners World users can also get a discount if they order on our website while this giveaway is on by using the discount code RUNNERSMOVE+. 

Click the below link to visit our website and to use the above discount code.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 02/06/2024.


Kineon MOVE + Pro x1