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Win a complete Liforme yoga mat and accessories bundle

Liforme yoga bundle

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

G Houghton, Whitehaven

Liforme yoga bundle

Win a Liforme bundle consisting of a yoga mat, travel mat and yoga pad, plus a water bottle to keep you hydrated during your most strenuous workouts.

Liforme’s unique yoga mats launched a billion dollar industry when they created their signature, intuitive and physiology-based alignment design, which helps you position your body to ensure perfect technique at all times.
Their best-in-class mats also incorporate GripForMe technology, which ensures that not only does the mat maintain its grip, but it gets gripper the more you sweat - so you’ll never suffer a slip during a Downward Dog again.
You’ll receive a regular yoga mat as well as a travel mat, which is lightweight enough to be tied to a backpack or thrown over your shoulder when you want to enjoy yoga on the move.
And a yoga pad offers an even more versatile option - small enough to fit in a carry-on suitcase for weekends away.
Whether you’re an experienced yogi or a complete beginner, Liforme yoga mats are the industry standard and the best reviewed mats in the world.
Plus, as a company, they’re committed to being socially responsible: All mats are PVC-free, biodegradable in 1-5 years and made from non-toxic materials, and a minimum of 10% of the company’s profit is donated to Liforme’s charity partners.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 21/09/2022.


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