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Win £250’s worth of premium STYRKR nutrition products


1 prize to be won!

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The new Daddy of sports fuel

We’ve teamed up with the UK’s brightest fuel brand this Father’s Day to give away £250’s worth of premium nutrition products that really can change the way you train.

Styrkr – meaning strength in Old Norse – is an independent company based in West Sussex committed to innovation and improving performance by introducing ground-breaking endurance supplements.

All Styrkr drinks, gels, salts and bars have been specifically engineered to produce unique effects in the body – specifically, the bloodstream – that reduce overall fatigue and energy expenditure while maintaining power and increasing output throughout endurance activity.

As well as its intrepid bunch of in-house nutritionists and product designers, Styrkr has worked with leading experts during the development of its range and boasts an impressive roster of ambassadors, including Francis Cade and Chris Hall.

Styrkr’s founder, Christian Sanderson, brought the brand to market in 2022 and has been overwhelmed by the support and feedback.

“The community of athletes we’ve met over the last year has been amazing,” he said. “We always wanted to support grass roots participation and we have definitely succeeded in that given the feedback we have received from our customers. The best thing about it is that all of our amazing customers and ambassadors are normal people: they live normal lives and just want to be better athletes, no matter their level. Challenging them and helping them achieve their next endurance goal has always been paramount for us – and the sense of satisfaction when they do is why we’re here in the first place. It’s incredibly rewarding and we can’t wait to bring more innovative products to market”.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 06/06/2023.
