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Win a biomechanics consultation + orthotics

A private one-to-one biomechanics consultation plus a pair of custom-made orthotics

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

D Kirk, Craigavon

A private one-to-one podiatry and biomechanics consultation plus a pair of custom-made orthotics

PODO Clinic and Workshop is offering a specialist one-to-one biomechanics consultation for a runner who wants to improve their performance and prevent injury, with founder Christophe Champs, plus a pair of custom-made orthotics (made during the consultation). 

Christophe Champs is a consultant in Biomechanics, and the founder of PODO Clinic and Workshop. Christophe works with runners and other athletes and clients to help correct postural and biomechanical issues that are causing pain or putting them at risk of injury. By testing both the moving gait and the still posture Christophe can correct misalignment and asymmetry through creating custom-made orthotics to suit the exact needs of each individual client. Christophe has a wealth of experience in dealing with runners' feet and biomechanics.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 04/10/2022.


A private one-to-one podiatry and biomechanics consultation plus a pair of custom-made orthotics x1