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Win a 4 month supply of Pura Collagen Flex+

Win a 4 month supply of Pura Collagen Flex+ the ultimate joint rejuvenator

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


Win a 4 month supply of Pura Collagen Flex+ the ultimate joint rejuvenator

P Lyndsey, Melrose

Win a 4 month supply of Pura Collagen Flex+ the ultimate joint rejuvenator

Pura Collagen Flex+ is described as the ultimate joint rejuvenator, for runners who want to invest in good recovery. It is an essential for strength, mobility and recuperation, containing only patented hydrolysed peptides to boost the body's natural collagen production. This supplement can support the body's entire connective tissue and fascia matrix. Flex+ is expertly engineered to promote healthy joints and tendons for increased mobility and physical performance.

Collagen is the key protein in cartilage and connective tissues like tendons. It heals and promotes cartilage regrowth, making joints strong, mobile, and flexible.

Pura Collagen's ground-breaking Flex+ collagen powder formula helps deliver strength, structure and elasticity to muscles, tendons, and cartilage, keeping you supple. Using 10,000mg of Flex+ every day can help reduce joint pain and activity-related joint discomfort in as little as 6 weeks. Flex+ is for those who choose to invest in their health and fitness for life.

Flex+ is an unflavoured, fully dissolvable collagen powder for joints, tendons and ligaments. You can mix it into your favourite hot or cold drink, yoghurt, smoothies or even cook with it! Choose to add 2 scoops once a day, or 1 scoop twice a day, any time into food or a drink of your choice.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 10/07/2023.


Win a 4 month supply of Pura Collagen Flex+ the ultimate joint rejuvenator x2