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To ENTER this competition for FREE either


Win the Bank of Me app, books and water bottle

Bank of Me wellbeing pack

5 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

S Casey, Stoke-on-Trent

Bank of Me wellbeing pack


Bank of Me wellbeing pack

M Gallagher, BLACKBURN

Bank of Me wellbeing pack


Bank of Me wellbeing pack


Bank of Me wellbeing pack

So, how are those New Year’s resolutions coming along? Keeping your good intentions up until February requires a lot of hard work and willpower.

Imagine a world, then, where a whole team of experts helped you keep your New Year’s resolutions, forever. And supported you every day. And stuck with you when it was hard work.

Well, that’s us. Bank of Me is every working person’s wellbeing coach. This is your personal, pocket-sized wellbeing buddy available 24/7, for the price of a coffee and a croissant.

Available on iOS and Android, Bank of Me draws from a whole wealth of information and resources to give you gentle nudges and interventions that keep you healthy in body and mind.

Bank of Me is one brainy app, designed and developed by a team of experts from the fields of psychology, health and wellbeing, sports, business and fitness.

The key to sticking with your life changes after January, isn’t a secret. It’s an app called Bank of Me. And in this exclusive Runner's World competition, you can win the app, along with two Bank of Me books and a handy little water bottle for your morning run.

All you need to do is answer our question.

Best of luck!

Bank of Me costs £4.99 and can be purchased on the links below.



Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 07/03/2023.


Bank of Me wellbeing pack x5