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Win a Better Swim UK Membership worth £350!

Win a Better Swim UK Membership worth £350!

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Competition Winners

S Mawson, Nottingham

Win a Better Swim UK Membership worth £350!

Better Leisure Centres and Gyms are offering you the chance to improve your running by adding swimming into your routine with the Better Swim Membership with UK wide access worth £350!

Swimming has plenty of benefits for runners; it improves aerobic endurance, builds stronger muscles, competitive sport and most importantly prevents and recovers you from any injuries. Runners who added regular swimming training to their routine over a period of 10 weeks improved their running time over 3.2k by 13 seconds. No matter your swimming ability you can still benefit from swimming by moving muscles you haven’t before and you could even take up aqua jogging instead of committing to learning how to swim. Get out of any running ruts you may have and refresh yourself with the Better Swim UK Membership that gives you access to 136 indoor swimming pools and 9 outdoor lidos throughout the UK. You can also take advantage of a 30% discount on our open water venues, Swim Doctor programme and other activities and services across the UK, such as the gym, fitness classes and court hire. What’s more, you’ll receive access to Better at Home - an online portal of on-demand classes and virtual workouts. 

Better is a not-for-profit, charitable social enterprise, committed to delivering a better quality of fitness and leisure for everyone. Passionate about making a real difference, Better seeks to promote healthy and active lifestyles, providing communities with access to facilities that help improve their health and happiness through participation in activities.

Swimming is a fantastic cross-training exercise that works really well with running, mix up your routine by winning an annual Better Swim UK Membership.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 13/06/2022.


Win a Better Swim UK Membership worth £350! x1